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Tips for Stress-Free Wedding Planning for You and The Bridal Party | NYC Wedding Photographer

Ready for some helpful hints from @Elisemthewriter? She put together some great ways for you to keep the stress away while wedding planning. Check her out on Twitter when you’re done!

This is it; your big day is finally here. You’ve never felt…...more stressed?

Wedding stress is natural. It happens to everyone and is your body’s natural way of responding to the momentous change coming your way. Weddings are happy times, but they are also times of planning, moving, organizing and speaking to all your relatives and in-laws.

But WHY does it have to be this hard?

Relax. Take a deep breath. Your wedding feels like one of the hardest things you’ve had to do because it’s one of the most important things you’ve ever done. This is your day and you want it to be perfect. Your wedding is causing you stress because you are emotionally invested in the outcome (hopefully) and you don’t want to settle for anything less than the perfect ceremony.

And you don’t have to. Here are 5 tips to cut back on that prenuptial paranoia and go into your wedding feeling like your best self.

 1. Talk to your partner. 

You know who else feels stressed right before a wedding? The other person getting married. Your partner is going to want everything to go smoothly as well and could no doubt use a break from all of the planning and preparations.

 Take some time just the two of you and do one of your favorite activities. It’s important to keep doing the little things together.

2. Get in the gym.

You’ve heard this a million times and now you’re going to hear it again: exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. Countless studies have shown that exercise will help you live a happier and better life.

Cut through the chaos of bridal week with a quick trip to the elliptical.

3. Hit the road.

Stuck sitting around in town waiting on the ceremony? Get out and roam. Take some of your bridal party and skip town, you’ll be glad you did. Literally escape the stress by taking yourself to a new location where you can relax and have fun.

 4. Share the load

 One classic bridal trap is feeling like you have to do everything yourself because it’s your wedding. That is so wrong it would be funny if it wasn’t stressing you out so much.

Remember that your friends and family are just as excited about this wedding as you are. They are more than willing to lend you a hand with whatever you need. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Nobody wants to say no to the bride.

 5. Get your beauty sleep

Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day and that’s not going to happen if you haven’t gotten a good night’s rest since the planning started. Making sure you get great rest the week of your wedding is so important and will help you look happier and healthier for your big day.


You are so close to one of the greatest achievements of your life. Finding the right partner and tying the knot is something you will always look back on and smile, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

Follow the tips, eat some cake, and go crush this wedding.
